速報APP / 教育 / SubSidekick - Job Alerts

SubSidekick - Job Alerts



檔案大小:21.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:德語, 法文, 義大利文, 英語, 荷蘭文

SubSidekick - Job Alerts(圖1)-速報App

Job alerts for substitute teachers using Frontline Absence Management® (formerly Aesop®) or SubstituteOnline®! Features include:

• Receive an app notification, email, text message, and/or browser alert when a new job is found.

• Quickly and easily accept available jobs!

• View accepted jobs on your phone calendar.

• Set criteria to filter jobs based on title, school, employee, or assignment length.

SubSidekick - Job Alerts(圖2)-速報App

• If you work for multiple school districts, view all your Frontline Absence Management® (formerly AesopOnline®) and SubstituteOnline® jobs at the same time.

What our customers are saying:

• It's an amazing service. Takes away the stress of checking Frontline Absence Management® continuously. -Amy

• It's the reason I'm making money now! -Bailey

• I could not work as much if it was not for SubSidekick. -Michele

• It's a perfect service. I usually have my whole week scheduled by Sunday. -Tyler

(Frontline Absence & Time®, AESOP®, JOBULATOR™, and SubFinder® are trademarks of Frontline Technologies Group LLC. SmartFind®, SmartFindExpress®, and SubstituteOnline® are a trademarks of PeopleAdmin, Inc. Sub Sidekick is not affiliated or endorsed by these products or corporations.)

支援平台:iPhone, iPad